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Our Services

Business Process Management (BPM)

How We Approach BPM
As businesses evolve, their processes often become clunky and cluttered with undocumented elements known by only a handful of people.

Nymos Interactive can support your end-to-end Process Management needs – from assessment and root cause analytics, to target-state design and implementation. Whether you’re thinking about Workflow Optimization or Automation, addressing regulatory control and compliance requirements, or just simple improvements to manual processes and procedures that have become inefficient, ineffective, or outdated over time, Nymos Interactive has all your Process Management needs covered.


⑉ ⑉ Zapier ⑉ MailChimp ⑉ Basiz Master Drafter ⑉ DocGen ⑉ more..


⑉ Process Documentation ⑉ Process Mapping ⑉ Process Controls Definition & Documentation ⑉ Diagnostic Assessments & Solution Recommendations ⑉ Process Re-engineering ⑉ Process Automation ⑉ Post-Implementation Reviews

You need more than just a solution. You need efficiency.

Efficiency Solution Builder

Based on our client’s unique business requirements we will look for the best tools to build a solution that will empower your operation, and teams to work more efficiently.


⑉ Workflow Automation ⑉ Work Management ⑉ Inventory Management ⑉ Automation Tools ⑉ Analytics ⑉ Email Marketing ⑉ Email Marketing for E-Commerce ⑉ Customer Service Management ⑉ Legal Agreement Drafter


⑉ Cloud-based ⑉ Work Operating System ⑉ Email Server Provider ⑉ Collaboration Tool ⑉ Codeless Automation ⑉ WordPress

Specialize in

⑉ ⑉ Basiz Master Draft ⑉ MailChimp ⑉ Zapier ⑉ DocGen ⑉ and more


Assessment & Process Mapping

  • Assess the current pain points in your workflow to understand what is working and what isn’t.
  • Map out existing business processes, undertake stakeholder interviews and assess current digital tools to define your current business process.
  • After engaging with you and your team, we map out what is going to be the new and improved process.


Build Solution

  • We will work closely with you to design an outcome that’s tailored to your requirements. We start by converting process maps to solution structures so you can see our deliverables. We then break the deliveries into bite-sized chunks, so you can quickly see results. After each delivery, we continuously work towards perfection together, to ensure your solution is perfect for you.



  • We will provide you with foundational solution training and all the additional tools to help you incorporate the solution into your business operations, so your staff can start working with the solution effective immediately.


Continuous Improvement

  • Measure the outcomes with all impacted stakeholders, and continuously optimize the solution which is the key to operational efficiency.
Develop your skills

Project Management

Leaders within an organization are each striving to advance strategic projects forward while managing conflicting priorities and shifting objectives. Each initiative is crucial, but the pressure on already strained resources only increases. Tasks start to fall behind, employees become disengaged, stakeholders are fed up, and costs quickly add up.

Nymos Interactive use/provides as a custom suite tool that will connect all moving parts of your projects to drive impact and reach your goals faster.


  • Use PRINCE2 Method
  • Centralize, initiate and plan your project
  • Implementation
    • Streamline projects to deliver your best work
    • Collaborate effectively with all stakeholders
    • Monitor your performance to make confident decisions
  • Closing

Training & Platform Support


To achieve the greatest ROI on your new solution, you need a high level of user adoption. We provide employees with the support and training they need to onboard quickly.


Platform Support

Post-deployment, we will make sure your system performs as it was designed to. We will monitor user adoption, and identify ways to adapt your platform.


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